Technical Brief
Ambient-Stable Fermented Milks with Live Cultures
一、 技术背景Background Information
发酵奶,特别是酸奶,是世界上广受消费者欢迎的发酵乳制品。此类产品之所以受欢迎,很大程度上是与它们含有对人体有益的活性乳酸菌有关。这些活性乳酸菌大多具有疗效功能。一般认为,每毫升产品中,应含有至少105~107cfu,每天应消费至少100毫升产品,才能对人体健康有效。因此,在运输、贮藏过程中直至消费前,确保这些乳酸菌的存活甚为重要。然而,在目前冷链不健全的条件下,当产品在非冷藏条件下贮藏较长时间后,发酵乳中的乳酸菌的存活率常常很低甚至检测不到活菌。Fermented milks (especially yoghurt) are popular fermented dairy products throughout the world. This type of dairy products is popular because they contain live lactic acid bacteria that impart health benefits. Many lactic acid bacteria if viable have therapeutic property. It is generally accepted that fermented milks should contain at least 105~107cfu/mL of product and that a daily consumption of at least 100 mL of fermented milks is required to obtain health benefits. Therefore, it is important to keep lactic acid bacteria live during distribution and storage of fermented milks and up to the time of consumption. However, due to a lack of adequate chilled-chain distribution, the cell population of live lactic acid bacteria in fermented milks declines significantly and sometimes lactic acid bacteria are even undetectable, if fermented milks are stored under non-chilled conditions for an extended period of time.
二、技术介绍 Technical Overview
我公司技术部通过大量的菌株筛选,在掌握了不同菌株的发酵特性基础上,筛选出可以在非冷藏温度下保持活性的乳酸菌,并对产品配方进行微调,利用该类菌株生产可以在非冷藏温度下保持乳酸菌活性的发酵乳,或在无菌条件下添加该类菌于已杀菌的酸性液态乳产品中,使之在常温下长期存活。BFBio has developed unique cultures of lactic acid bacteria (culture code: BFLN) that can survive well under non-chilled conditions after screening a substantial number of strains and studying their fermentation characteristics by our Technical Department. Ambient-stable fermented milks with live cultures can be manufactured by using these unique cultures and by micro-adjusting product formulation. Alternatively, ambient-stable fermented milks with live cultures can be produced by aseptically adding the ambient-stable cultures to pre-sterilised acid milk beverages.
利用此类菌单独或复配经过选择的普通酸奶菌种,可以生产凝固型酸奶、搅拌型酸奶、发酵型活性酸乳饮料、或在调配型酸乳饮料基础上无菌添加活性菌。根据产品配方的差异,在8~30℃存活30~90天甚至更长,存活率104 – 108cfu/ml产品,产品pH值变化范围在0.1~0.5之间。数据请参见图一、图二、表一、表二。Several types of fermented milks can be manufactured using single strains of unique BFLN cultures or BFLN strains blended with yoghurt cultures, including set yoghurt, stirred yoghurt, fermented milk beverage and direct-acidified milk beverage. Depending on product formulation, these cultures can survive 30~90 days or longer when stored at temperatures between 8~30oC with cell counts between 104 – 108cfu/mL of product. Product pH changes range from 0.1~0.5. Some technical data are presented in figures 1 and 2, as well as in tables 1 and 2.
图一 常温活菌发酵乳1
Fig 1 Ambient-stable fermented milk1 |
重复1菌数 cell count of duplicate 1
重复2菌数cell count of duplicate 2
重复1pH值 pH of duplicate 1
重复2pH值 pH of duplicate 2
发酵基质: 10%脱脂奶粉, 培养条件: 37℃12小时 (Fermentation media: 10% skim milk powder; incubation condition: 37℃/12 hours)
终止pH值为4.5,后转入30℃培养,每隔7天测定PH值和活菌数。(The pH at time of terminating fermentation was 4.5, followed by incubation at 30℃. pH and cell counts were determined every 7 days).
图二 常温活菌发酵乳2
Fig 2 Ambient-stable fermented milk2
30℃菌数 cell count at 30℃
35℃菌数cell count at 35℃
30℃pH值 pH at 30℃
35℃pH值pH at 35℃
发酵基质: 10%脱脂奶粉, 培养条件: 37℃12小时 (Fermentation media: 10% skim milk powder; incubation condition: 37℃/12 hours)
终止pH值为4.0,后转入30℃和35℃培养,每隔7天测定PH值和活菌数 (The pH at time of terminating fermentation was 4.0, followed by incubation at 30℃ and 35℃. pH and cell counts were determined every 7 days).
表一 常温活菌发酵乳3
Table 1 Ambient-stable fermented milk 3
Days of incubation |
Cell count |
pH |
30 |
1.44×108 |
4.49 |
60 |
1.34×108 |
4.49 |
90 |
1.5×108 |
4.32 |
发酵基质: 15%脱脂奶粉, 培养条件:37℃12小时, (Fermentation media: 15% skim milk powder; incubation condition: 37℃/12 hours)
终止pH值为4.55,后转入室温(10~25℃)考察,每隔30天测定PH值和活菌数 (The pH at time of terminating fermentation was 4.55, followed by incubation at room temperature (10℃~25℃. pH and cell counts were determined every 30 days).
表二 常温活菌乳饮料
Table 2 Ambient-stable fermented milk beverage
Parameter |
调配后 After adjustment |
考察时间(天??? Or 星期???)Days (Weeks?) of incubation |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
12 |
pH |
4.44 |
4.44 |
4.42 |
4.47 |
4.44 |
4.43 |
活菌数 Cell count (cfu/ml) |
0.15×107 |
2.2×107 |
1.77×107 |
1.67×107 |
1.6×107 |
1.7×107 |
蛋白1.0的调配型酸饮,杀菌后无菌加入BFLN菌粉,37℃考察 (The direct-acidified milk beverage contained 1.0% protein. Lyophilised BFLN culture was aseptically added after sterilisation of beverage. Incubation was at 37℃.)
三、技术应用 Technical Application
BFLN菌可以多种方式应用:Our unique BFLN culture has multiple applications:
凝固型/搅拌型酸奶:Set/stirred yoghurt:
按正常酸奶工艺发酵到一定的pH值并后酵成熟后,产品口感与普通酸奶基本相同,常温下可以保持基本稳定的pH值和活菌数,但需提高杀菌强度,并尽量做到无菌灌装. Follow the traditional yoghurt manufacturing process and allow fermentation to a desired end-pH; product mouthfeel is similar to that of common yoghurt; pH and cell count of BFLN culture are relatively stable under ambient conditions; however, more severe milk heat treatment is required and aseptic filling/packaging is preferred.
饮用型酸奶1:Drinkable yoghurt 1:
按上述搅拌型酸奶工艺生产出酸奶基料后,按正常调配酸饮工艺生产,常温下可以保持基本稳定的pH值和活菌数,但需提高杀菌强度,并尽量做到无菌灌装. Follow the stirred yoghurt making process to manufacture yoghurt base; use this yoghurt base and follow the standard process to manufacture yoghurt drinks; pH and cell count of BFLN culture are relatively stable under ambient conditions; however, more severe milk heat treatment is required and aseptic filling/packaging is preferred.
饮用型酸奶2:Drinkable yoghurt 2:
应用普通酸奶菌种生产出酸奶基料,并按设计好的pH值调配成酸饮,杀菌后在无菌条件下加入BFLN菌,常温下可以保持基本稳定的pH值和活菌数. Use traditional yoghurt cultures to make yoghurt base; produce yoghurt drinks from the yoghurt base; aseptically add BFLN culture after heat treatment of the yoghurt drinks; pH and cell count of BFLN culture are relatively stable under ambient conditions.
饮用型酸奶3:Drinkable yoghurt 3:
按照普通的调配型酸饮工艺生产酸饮,杀菌后在无菌条件下加入BFLN菌,常温下可以保持基本稳定的pH值和活菌数,保存时间取决于保存温度和产品pH值,温度越低、pH值越高,保存期越长。 Follow the standard process to produce direct-acidified milk beverages; sterilise the beverage, then aseptically add BFLN culture; pH and cell count of BFLN culture are relatively stable under ambient conditions; the shelf life of the product is dependent on storage temperature and product pH; the lower the storage temperature and the higher the product pH, the longer the shelf life.
应用我公司现有的直投式菌种生产技术,可以将产品以冻干菌粉或冷冻浓缩菌泥的方式供应市场,产品活菌数0.5~5×1011cfu/g。 BFBio can supply freeze-dried BFLN culture or frozen BFLN concentrate with cell counts of 0.5~5×1011cfu/g using our direct-to-vat culture production technology.
Beijing Ferment Biological Technology Co. Ltd
March 2007